

Our mission is to provide a Law pathway for underserved high school students interested in becoming a lawyer or serve in the legal profession.  We provide an immersive experience within a law firm or legal organization where students are partnered with a mentor and support.


Our founders, Olivia Rios and Sheri McCurdy-Knox are both women of diverse backgrounds with careers in the legal industry. Both Olivia and Sheri have served on the Diversity Committee and Community Engagement Programs and contributed countless service hours to a variety of organizations. Ms. Rios has also volunteered as a translator for the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, the Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network and the Latin American Association. It is while serving in these capacities that our founders identified the lack of diversity for lawyers and began the first High School Internship Program at Morris, Manning & Martin LLP here in Atlanta.


Our mission is to provide a Law pathway for underserved high school students interested in becoming a lawyer or serve in the legal profession.  We provide an immersive experience within a law firm or legal organization where students are partnered with a mentor and support.


Our founders, Olivia Rios and Sheri McCurdy-Knox are both women of diverse backgrounds with careers in the legal industry. Both Olivia and Sheri have served on the Diversity Committee and Community Engagement Programs and contributed countless service hours to a variety of organizations. Ms. Rios has also volunteered as a translator for the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, the Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network and the Latin American Association. It is while serving in these capacities that our founders identified the lack of diversity for lawyers and began the first High School Internship Program at Morris, Manning & Martin LLP here in Atlanta.

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Funds We Collected

We Need Your Help!

Join us in supporting
local students.

Ways You Can Help

Helping each other can make world better


Support The Pathway to Law program by donating.


Contact us to explore how law firms can get involved with internship programs.


We appreciate all the help our volunteers provide.

Cold Mountain Foundation continues to coordinate law firm and legal organization internships for underserved high school students in and around Greater Atlanta. This is made possible through the financial support we receive from our CMF Champions.  

Meet Our Founder

Olivia Rios


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus commodo libero ac est semper, ut malesuada odio tempus. Sed at lacus convallis, fermentum ex vel, mattis tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer euismod convallis purus, sit amet feugiat nibh lacinia quis. Vivamus sed velit at tellus laoreet feugiat. Curabitur fringilla nisi eget ipsum ultricies, non ultrices sem consequat. Donec auctor eros id suscipit condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat.